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The Importance of Employee Personal Branding for your Organization

We are all aware of the word ‘branding,’ which is an organization’s strategy for spreading awareness of products, services, and a brand as a whole. But today, we are here to understand how introducing Employee Personal Branding in your Brand Management Strategy will elevate Employer’s Branding too.

What is an Employee Personal Branding?

Employee Personal Branding is a practice that is encouraged by the Employer to allow their employees to market themselves, their expertize, skills, and their careers, across the network.

By doing so, your employees will highlight their social media profiles amongst individuals in their social media networks, allowing them to portray themselves as a part of their respective fields. 

Did you give a thought to it? Is your organization still hesitating to do so? Worried about losing your employees by adopting an Employees’ Personal Branding Strategy? 

Key reason why Employee’s Personal Branding is beneficial for any organization?


Why you should encourage your employees with their personal branding

Elevate Brand Visibility

Employees who are encouraged to perform personal branding through their social media handles will highlight their job satisfaction level in their network and, them, frequently sharing about your brand will automatically catch-eye of employee’s/friends in their network, which in turn, increases the chances of likes and shares, allowing your brand name to be visible in a wider network. 

Reduce Hiring Costs and Effort

Having your employees create strong personal branding over their social media accounts about your brand assets, will create curiosity and inquisitiveness amongst individuals in their networks and potential individuals would instantly approach your organization for job opportunities.

Enhance Employee Retention Rates

Helping your Employee with their Personal Branding will naturally allow them to grow in their careers, simultaneously, it will portray your organization as a brand that opens new doors to employee’s self-growth opportunities and popularity. By doing so, you will not only introduce a new employee engagement strategy at work but also, enhance employee retention rates.

How to encourage Employee Personal Branding at your Organization?

First, discuss with your employees how they can benefit from an Employee Personal Branding

It will take time to encourage more and more employee’s understand the importance of Personal Branding, however, you start with a few which will automatically create a buzz amongst other employees working for your organization. 

As an organization’s lead or Human Resource (HR) Head, you would educate your employees on the many benefits of Employee Personal Branding via emails or video calls.

Provide necessary tools and training

As per a study posted by Statista, LinkedIn remains the most prominent employment-related social media in the United States (US). Therefore, spreading awareness about the latest mediums for an employee’s brand visibility will make them stay in touch with the latest tools where their prospects actually engage. 

Reward employees who implement the employee personal branding

If you are allowing your employees to enhance their social media presence by using your organization’s brand name, then you may also not like to miss the opportunity by mentioning those employees in your frequent HR social media activities. This way you are automatically recommending your employees for their talent, which in turn enhances an Employee’s Personal Branding.

Ready to tap into the many benefits of Employee’s Personal Branding for your Organization?

Stay tuned for the latest updates to enhance a modern workforce environment.
